Come explore The Desert Southwest in this presentation about the landscapes, flora and unique sights of this beautiful region of the U.S. At first glance it is an alien landscape, but upon further reflection, it is full of beauty and wonder, ready to amaze you from the grand landscapes to the intimate scenes on the desert floor. The desert erupts in lush greens during the Spring and it presents fantastic photo opportunities in every direction. Lush hillsides dotted with Saguaro cactus stretch as far as the eye can see while California Poppies, Brittlebrush and Mariposa Lilies add a splash of color. In this presentation, John Pedersen will guide you through learning to “see” this desert landscape and provide insights for how to capture stunning images of the landscape and vegetation. He will help you unlock some of the mysteries of the desert and add your own creative vision to create memorable photos and lasting memories.