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2023 Nature Photography Summit

2023 NANPA Summit Cancellation and No Refund Policy

NANPA will not offer any refunds for registrations for this event regardless of when the cancellation is made or the reason for the cancellation. NANPA reserves the right to cancel any event or activity due to insufficient registration or any unforeseen circumstances. NANPA will offer refunds if NANPA has to cancel the event. It also has the right to substitute presenters if those originally scheduled cannot attend.

NANPA offers travel/event insurance protection during Summit registration to handle cancellations that are necessary after someone registers for an event. We strongly encourage registrants to purchase the travel/event insurance during registration, as NANPA will not offer any refunds. The event insurance will also cover transportation costs that you booked in conjunction with the Summit.

Registrants may purchase event insurance as part of the registration process through NANPA’s partner, Allianz. More information will be shown during the checkout process for the event registration.

NOTE: If you do not purchase event insurance at the time that you pay for your registration, you will NOT be able to go back and purchase it with Allianz later.

If you did not purchase the Allianz event insurance at the time of registration, you are encouraged to purchase event insurance through other providers or NANPA partner, USI Affinity | Travel Insurance Services. Click here for more information about its services.

Refunds are only available for Super Sessions and Field Trip admissions if an attendee registers for them in the same transaction as his/her Summit registration and purchases the event/travel insurance. Refunds are not offered for any portfolio review registrations.