Is a Mirrorless Camera in Your Future? Tips and techniques Is a Mirrorless Camera in Your Future?Story and Photographs by Rob Sheppard A few years ago, I was in Costa Rica…Blog PosterDecember 21, 2013
NATURE’S VIEW: Photographing from a Boat During a Cold Alaskan Rain, Part I Tips and techniques NATURE’S VIEW: Photographing from a Boat During a Cold Alaskan Rain, Part IStory and photograph by Jim Clark Stellar Sea Lion next to Boat, Brothers Island, Alaska,…Blog PosterDecember 20, 2013
PHOTOGRAPHER PROJECTS: Orangutan Orphans ConservationMember NewsPhotographer ProjectWildlife PHOTOGRAPHER PROJECTS: Orangutan Orphansby Suzi Eszterhas Bornean Orangutan, Pongo pygmaeus, Caretaker with infant at bath time, Orangutan Care…Blog PosterDecember 20, 2013
VOLUNTEERS OF NANPA: Kathy Adams Clark Get Involved VOLUNTEERS OF NANPA: Kathy Adams ClarkKathy Adams Clark, (c) Jon Holloway Kathy Adams Clark is a professional nature photographer who…Blog PosterDecember 16, 2013
NATIONAL PARKS: Death Valley NP Places NATIONAL PARKS: Death Valley NPSultry patterns of light and shadow on Mesquite Flat dunes in Death Valley National Park,…Blog PosterDecember 16, 2013
IN THE FIELD: Christmas Presence Tips and techniques IN THE FIELD: Christmas PresenceStory and Photographs by F.M. Kearney A light to moderate snow had fallen the night…Blog PosterDecember 15, 2013
An Editor’s Perspective: Photography by Kevin Barry Uncategorized An Editor’s Perspective: Photography by Kevin Barry Images by Kevin Barry Story and Gallery Edit By Miriam Stein I’ve always been…Blog PosterDecember 13, 2013
NANPA Nature Photography Group of East Central Florida: A NANPA Meetup Group Get InvolvedMember News NANPA Nature Photography Group of East Central Florida: A NANPA Meetup GroupStory and Photographs by Chuck Klos During the last week of May of this year,…Blog PosterNovember 26, 2013
PHILIP HYDE GRANT: San Pedro Mezquital Project ConservationNANPA NewsPhotographer Project PHILIP HYDE GRANT: San Pedro Mezquital ProjectStory and Photography by Jaime Rojo Applications for the 2014 Philip Hyde Grant are due…Blog PosterNovember 15, 2013
NANPA VOLUNTEER: Richard Halperin Get Involved NANPA VOLUNTEER: Richard HalperinNANPA’s executive director Susan Day says NANPA would not be as successful without Richard Halperin’s…Blog PosterNovember 13, 2013