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NANPA NewsPresident's Message

Happy New Year!

By January 14, 2022No Comments
First edited photo of the New Year, a black-bellied whistling duck in southern Louisiana © Dawn Wilson

By Dawn Wilson, NANPA President

Well, 2021 is finally in the books. I am not sure about everyone else, but I am very happy to see it in the rearview mirror. It was a tough year for many, including myself, and in my home state of Colorado it ended with another horrible wildfire. Events like that put life in perspective to remember to spend time with those you love, don’t worry about things and stuff, and treat every moment like it is the most special of your life.

To kick off a year that I hope embraces prosperity, positivity and respect rather than the third year of a COVID trilogy, I went to one of my favorite parks for photographing ducks in winter in Louisiana on New Year’s Day (I spent the holidays down south). The park bustled with families spending time together at the end of the holiday season. Besides the multigenerational groups, I found more black-bellied whistling ducks than I have ever seen around the lake. It gave me hope for 2022.

A new NANPA website will be released soon. A volunteer team of NANPA members shaped the design strategy, creating better navigation menus, identifying content priorities, and helping NANPA understand what nature photographers want and need from the site.

NANPA in 2022

This year will see the launch of several projects that NANPA has worked to produce in the last few years.

The first will be the new website. The soon-to-be-revealed website is being integrated with our membership database to provide a much-improved experience for NANPA members, including fewer clicks to login and access members-only content. Members will also be able to create a public portfolio on NANPA’s website and share their conservation projects, while still having favorite features like posting their photo tours, workshops, and online classes. We are very much looking forward to sharing this new site with you later this month.

Two website features were added at members’ request: a place where NANPA members can post a public profile featuring their images and a way for members to share conservation projects to which they’ve contributed.

Virtual Summit is just around the corner—you do have your calendar marked for Saturday, March 5, right?

The planning team continues to finalize speakers and the agenda, which will include a keynote presentation by 2022 NANPA Lifetime Achievement Awardee, Boyd Norton, when he will reflect on 50 years of work in conservation, and a full schedule of “Teach Me in 10” and new “Teach Me in 20” sessions. Registration opens mid-January. Visit for more info.

And the designers and editors have reached the final stages of two new publications.

Sneak Preview: Here’s an early draft of the cover for our upcoming 2022 Expressions journal featuring a Judges’ Choice award winner in Mammals by Anita Ross

First, an all-new, fully digital version of the annual Expressions journal will be released in February. Featuring 250 of the best photos from the most recent Showcase competition, the issue will also include interviews with the winning photographers, links to audio commentary from the judges’ discussion room, and tips for Showcase and other nature photography contests.

Second, the robust and in-depth Guide to Responsible Nature Photography is not far behind Expressions. The editors are reviewing hundreds of photo submissions from members and making final selections to wrap up production. Start thinking about what organizations might benefit from such a product because this one will be distributed for free to any organization willing to advocate for responsible nature photography.

Finally, we are diligently working on new guests for The Nature Photographer Podcast. This year looks to have a unique lineup of interviewees who cover everything from intimate landscapes to conservation projects to tips on how to live your best life. Check out the latest episode at or wherever you download your favorite podcast (search for Wild and Exposed).

Get Involved

Do you want to get involved? Consider volunteering for a committee. There are numerous options available for a variety of interests. For more info about volunteering, visit

Share Your News

Keep letting our membership and marketing teams know about your projects. There may be ways to share the news, like writing a blog or being interviewed on the podcast.

Do you have ideas for events or topics you want to learn more about? Reach out to us through our contact form

And be sure to recommend NANPA to your nature-loving friends and fellow photographers. Word of mouth is the number one way people learn about NANPA. New members can join online at

“The secret to getting ahead is getting started.” ~ Mark Twain

Let’s stay positive. We are in this together.