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A Break With Tradition: New Showcase Recognition for Non-traditional Captures

By September 7, 2020No Comments
Photo of a man flying a drone. Drone Man Playing by Mohamed Hassan. Pixabay license.
Drone Man Playing by Mohamed Hassan. Pixabay license.

By Frank Gallagher, NANPA Blog Coordinator

Like everything else in this crazy world, nature photography is constantly changing. Especially during a pandemic, out business models, ability to travel and the very tools we use aren’t the same as they were a year ago. In acknowledgement of all the new ways photographers are using to capture outstanding images, document nature, advocate for conservation and create art, NANPA’s Showcase competition has added special recognition for “non-traditional captures.”

What Is a Non-traditional Capture?

Pretty much any image that wasn’t taken by a traditional DSLR, mirrorless, or film camera is non-traditional. Grabbed a great image using your smart phone? That counts. Using trail cameras? That qualifies. Found a unique vantage point with your drone? Yes again. Hiking with your GoPro or other action camera? Yep. Google Glass? You actually have one of those?

Any kind of image captured using something other than a traditional camera, from an iPad to a video doorbell, works.

In many ways, these tools make it easier than ever for us to have a camera with us all the time. And the image quality can be quite good.

Inquisitive Raccoon, photographed by a camera trap, Renous, New Brunswick, Canada © Phil Riebel
Inquisitive Raccoon, photographed by a camera trap, Renous, New Brunswick, Canada © Phil Riebel

Want to Know More?

The Showcase competition rules give more details and context. The rules also spell out all the criteria for submission, what the Showcase prizes are, and links to Showcase tips and FAQs. The deadline for submitting photos is 11 p.m. Eastern Time, September 21, 2020, so there’s still time to break out your action cam and go exploring.

If you’re interested in learning more about using a smart phone for nature photography, check out Charles Needle’s Pixels in Your Pocket: Creative iPhoneography webinar in the Members’ Area of There you can also find David Meyers’ webinar on using drones, The New Plane: Cameras That Fly.

Looking for more information and inspiration? Check out some or our past blog articles. Phil Riebel wrote about how he photographed wildlife using home-made camera traps on his property in a rural part of New Brunswick, Canada.

Bernie Friel and Alton K. Marsh wrote about using drones. Although a bit older, the information in Ralph Bendjebar’s three articles on using drones still has good tips here, here and here.

So, charge up whatever you’re using and get out shooting! Your next portfolio or prize-winning image is out there somewhere, waiting for your camera, drone, phone or whatever you’re using.

Oh, and check your video doorbell footage. Just in case.