How I Got the Shot
It is a simple life for an iceberg in Jokulsarlon Glacier Lagoon, Iceland. It is born from a nearby glacier, and slowly gets pushed out to sea, only to find its way back home to retire on the same black sandy beach from where it came. On this morning, the sun rose underneath a layer of clouds, with the sunlight shining through the icebergs and illuminating the different colors and shapes. I waited for the waves to approach to show the motion of the water, and the arrival of the icebergs.
What I Used
Canon 5D Mark 4, EF 24-105 mm lens at 85mm, ISO 100, 1/8 sec at F22. Low Tripod. Though it was tempting to use a wide angle lens to capture more context, it would have resulted in the icebergs appearing smaller. I chose a medium focal length to show multiple, larger icebergs. This view was close enough to show the water splashing and the sunlight glowing through the icebergs. It also allowed me enough time to see the salt water waves crashing towards me, compose, focus, and snap the shutter, and be careful of the waves and moving icebergs.
About Me
I am a serious amateur nature photographer on the weekends, and a self-employed architect during the week. I strive to make artistic and creative compositions with all nature subjects, including wildlife, birds, wildflowers, and landscapes. Many years ago I asked my future wife, Margaret, on a first date to photograph wildflowers, and we still haven’t returned from that date. We enjoy photographing together and looking at the same scene differently. She also has a winning photograph that was selected in the top 250 landscapes this year.
My Photographic Journey
My photography journey started in college, as a fun and creative outlet to do outdoors when I was not studying architecture. I love nature, landscapes and animals, and photography gives me the opportunity to show how beautiful and wonderful nature is, and how important it is to protect it. Living in Seattle, I am blessed to be surrounded with mountains and desert to the East, and the ocean to the West. There are a large variety of wildflowers, animals, and birds to learn about, observe and appreciate their behavior, and photograph.
NANPA and Me
I have been a member of NANPA for two years. I had a photograph titled “Tipsoo Lake” selected in the top 250 landscapes for the 2019 Expressions.
Learn More About Me
My NANPA portfolio is:
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